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Library Resources


    Applying For a Library Card

    At the Circulation Center you may apply for a new card, replace a lost one, or update your current card. Library cards are free of charge to all residents and taxpayers of East Islip, Islip Terrace and Great River.

    • Children from birth to grade 6 are eligible for their own library cards with the signature of a parent or guardian.
    • Teens from grade 7 to 17 years of age can apply for their own card, but still require parental permission for video and DVD privileges and unrestricted Internet access.



    TumbleBooks:  The East Islip Public Library offers this Free!  TumbleBook Library is animated talking picturebooks.  TumbelReadables are online read-alongs and Tumble TalkingBooks is a collection of online audiobooks.  You will need your EIPL library card number to access.